Putiton-L - Library of Exploration
Unlock the Vault of Knowledge: Elevate Your Understanding and Ignite Thought Leadership with Putiton-L
Explore Putiton-L
Key Features
In-Depth Articles
Discover well-researched and comprehensive articles on various topics, curated to provide the most reliable information
Find Experts Easily
Each article page allows you to find experts related to the topic. Whether you’re seeking further insight or professional connections, our integrated feature lets you connect with experts directly or through our contact form
Claim Your Topic
Users have the unique opportunity to claim topics on Putiton-L at just € 495 excluding VAT. If a page hasn’t been claimed yet, you can submit a request to take ownership
How it Works
Explore Topics
Browse through a wide range of topics and profiles. Use our search functionality to find specific subjects or people.
Read and Engage
Dive into detailed articles, leave comments, and share insights with our community. Each profile and topic page is designed to be informative and interactive.
Connect with Experts
Use the expert connection feature on article pages to find and reach out to professionals in the field. Alternatively, fill out the contact form to get personalized assistance.
Claim and Contribute at just € 495
If you see a page that hasn't been claimed, submit a request to take control at just € 495 excluding VAT. Add your expertise, update the content, and help others learn more about your specialty.
Why do I need to Claim?
Control Your Own Online Wiki Page Content
Take charge of your digital presence by managing and updating the information on your own wiki page. Ensure that the content remains accurate, relevant, and up-to-date, reflecting your latest achievements and expertise.
Establish Your Authority
Position yourself as a thought leader in your field by curating high-quality, informative content on Putiton-L. Showcase your expertise and insights, and build a reputation as a trusted authority. This can significantly enhance your professional credibility and influence.
Generate Leads
Enhance your business’s visibility and attract potential clients through authoritative and engaging content. By maintaining a well-curated page on Putiton-L, you can drive more traffic to your business, generate powerful leads, and ultimately, grow your clientele.
Launched & upcoming Ventures

Putiton-E stands for "Putiton-Encyclopedia". Launched January 11th 2024 as the first venture of the Putiton Group. Putiton-E is revolutionizing social networking with personalized encyclopedia pages where valuable long-term connections and relationships are encouraged. Sharing your experiences, story and background like never before to establish genuine connections.

Putiton-N stands for "Putiton-News". With Putiton-N, we are expanding our platform to provide users with the latest news and updates on various topics. Stay tuned for our upcoming ventures and get ready to explore a whole new world of information and knowledge.

Putiton-S stands for "Putiton-Sports". With Putiton-S, we are bringing sports enthusiasts together to create a dedicated space for discussing and sharing news, highlights, and analyses related to all types of sports. Whether you're a fan of soccer, basketball, or tennis, Putiton-S has got you covered. Stay tuned for the launch of Putiton-S and join us in celebrating the world of sports.

Putiton-G stands for Putiton-Gaming". With Putiton-G, we are delving into the exciting world of gaming. Join us as we provide a platform for gamers to connect, discuss, and share their experiences, game strategies, and latest updates across various gaming genres. Whether you're into action-packed shooters, immersive RPGs, or competitive multiplayer games, Putiton-G will be the ultimate destination for all gaming enthusiasts. Get ready to level up with Putiton-G, coming soon!
Pricing options for Businesses
Claim page
  • 1 Page in the Putiton-L Library, with your profiles marked as Expert or Related Person
  • Business deductible
  • Price: €495,- (excluding VAT)
save €294
  • 2 Profiles on Putiton-E Encyclopedia
  • 1 Page in the Putiton-L Library, with your profiles marked as Expert or Related Person
  • 1 month Logo with deep link on the Putiton-E homepage
  • Business deductible
  • Price: €995,- (excluding VAT)
save €579
  • 5 Profiles on Putiton-E Encyclopedia
  • 1 Page in the Putiton-L Library, with your profiles marked as Expert or Related Person
  • 4 months Logo with deep link on the Putiton-E homepage
  • Business deductible
  • Price: €2.495,- (excluding VAT)
save €2242
  • 10 Profiles on Putiton-E Encyclopedia
  • 1 Page in the Putiton-L Library, with your profiles marked as Expert or Related Person
  • 12 months Logo with deep link on the Putiton-E homepage
  • Business deductible
  • Price: €4.995,- (excluding VAT)
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